[ eljmkt nemlog: NEM Log | Generation / Fuel (co2e) / Station | Regions / Interconnectors | Weather | News / nlog | About / Contact ]


These pages have been created to help provide information about the operation and outcomes of the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) operated by AEMO, the Australian Energy Market Operator.

AEMO publish data in various comma separated (csv) file formats. We collect this data as it is published and store it in our own database.

The NEM consist of Five State based Regions which are connected by transmission elements called Interconnectors.

Each Region have Generators owned by various parties, which have a mix of fuel sources, operating characteristics and co2e contributions to the atmosphere.

The weather has an impact on Market outcomes and Temperatures across the NEM are published by State/Region. The weather data is sourced in realtime (updated every 10 minutes) from the Bureau of Meteorology.

The Market is very dynamic and we report on various events as they occur in realtime here from the NEM Log pages.

All Market related Bodies have online resources and publish News regularly.

The Media report on and publish news relating to the Energy Market.

All pages here are updated in realtime according to the publishing time frames of their sources.

It is hoped these pages will be useful to anyone interested in the dynamic and evolving Australian Energy Market.

Geoff Eldridge is the creator and publisher of this site. He can be contacted via email geoff@globalpowerenergy.com.au.


The data and resulting information on this site is provided for information purposes only and is not intended for commercial use. The data sources and hosting resources for this site do not guarantee the accuracy of the data or its availability at all times.

[ eljmkt nemlog: NEM Log | Generation / Fuel (co2e) / Station | Regions / Interconnectors | Weather | News / nlog | About / Contact ]